講演会「地球の交差点オマーン」が行われました。Discover Oman series #1 Oman:Global Intersection 


(English is below Japanese.)


Dr. Edward Jones conducted a multimedia presentation “Oman:Global Intersection” at the Omani Embassy on March 12th. The presentation introduced Oman’s place in the flow of cultural and technical development by tracing it from the frankinsence road, to voyages to the Orient and Africa and Arab contacts with Vikings as well as the development of global navigation. He used an animation of Michan “the first Japanese born on the moon a century from now” to imagine looking back on global history from the outside. This presentation was followed by group discussions that Ambassador Muslahi and Mr. Endo began by describing their first experience in Japan and in Oman respectively. The following discussions by all participants aimed to capture the experience of what it means to sharing knowledge and to understanding different cultures.

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