講演会「地球の交差点オマーン」が行われました。Discover Oman series #1 Oman:Global Intersection
(English is below Japanese.)
Dr. Edward Jones conducted a multimedia presentation “Oman:Global Intersection” at the Omani Embassy on March 12th. The presentation introduced Oman’s place in the flow of cultural and technical development by tracing it from the frankinsence road, to voyages to the Orient and Africa and Arab contacts with Vikings as well as the development of global navigation. He used an animation of Michan “the first Japanese born on the moon a century from now” to imagine looking back on global history from the outside. This presentation was followed by group discussions that Ambassador Muslahi and Mr. Endo began by describing their first experience in Japan and in Oman respectively. The following discussions by all participants aimed to capture the experience of what it means to sharing knowledge and to understanding different cultures.
チャリティーバザーのお知らせ Charity Bazaar on May 17 at Tokyo Prince Hotel
オマーン大使館 チャリティバザー係
Tel: 03-5468-1088 / Fax: 03-5468-1088
Email: info@omanembassy.jp
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman – Tokyo
4-2-17 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012 JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 5468 1088
Fax: +81 3 5468 1086
Email: info@omanembassy.jp
Celebration/Appreciation Luncheon Held at Omani Embassy 祝賀感謝会が開催されました
On February 12th, the Japan Oman Club held a celebratory luncheon at the Embassy
of the Sultanate of Oman in Japan, to commemorate Ambassador Al-Muslahi’s
presentation of credentials to the Emperor, and to show appreciation for the
continued support of the Embassy staff for the club. Sixty five people attended
including, some from Nagoya city, and the Tohoku and Kansai regions. This
luncheon strengthened our friendship with the Ambassador and Mrs. Muslahi and
entire Embassy staff. The Club presented mugs designed for this occasion with
the Club logo to the Embassy participants.
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Charity Luncheon at Omani Embassy – オマーン大使館で慈善昼食会が開かれます。
The Society of Wives of Ambassadors and Heads of Missions in Japan (SWAAJ) will hold a charity luncheon at the Omani Embassy in Tokyo on 20th February, 2014. Tickets (5000yen/person) are sold at info@omanembassy.jp. For more details, please see “Charity Luncheon” at the bottom of this page.
来る2月20日(木)に東京広尾のオマーン大使館ホールにて、駐日アラブ大使夫人の会主催チャリティランチョンが開かれます。下記 “Charity Luncheon” をご参照ください。ゲストには鎌田實医師が招かれ“もっと平和を!全ての子供たちが安全に生きられる世界にしたい”と題して講演されます。お食事はビュッフェスタイルで、大使夫人たちが心をこめて作ったそれぞれの自国のお料理が用意されるそうです。
チケット購入 (Ticket Information)
連絡先: オマーン大使館 シリア難民キャンプ支援チャリティランチョン係
Tel: 03-5468-1088
Email: info@omanembassy.jp
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman – Tokyo
4-2-17 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012 JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 5468 1088
Fax: +81 3 5468 1086
Email: info@omanembassy.jp
オマーン日本国交樹立40周年記念本出版 Commemorative Book by HE Ambassador Muslahi
The commemorative book “Oman and Japan: The Vibrant Sakura and Rose Relations” was produced by HE Ambassador Khalid Al-Muslahi in Tokyo. A launching ceremony was held with the gracious presence of Princess Takamado and other dignitaries at the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman on January 30th, 2014. The book is published in three languages: Arabic, Japanese and English.
Oman Observer http://main.omanobserver.om/?
Youtube http://www.youtub
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Oman Observer で報道されました。http://main.omanobserver.om/?
また出版記念パーティーの様子は youtube で http://www.youtub
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